Tento dom je moja srdcova zalezitost, uz len preto, ze neskutocne zboznujem nabytok z dreva a dekoracie z dreva. A tu je naozaj na co pozerat :)
Samozrejme nesmieme zabudat na skutocnost, ze dom je plny skvelych napadov a inspiracii. Uzasny je hned na prvej fotke stolik s lavicou, no a jedalensky stol so stolickami jednoducho nema chybu. Este sa mi neskutocne paci krasny a velky priestor, izby su fantasticke ako aj dom z vonku :)....
This house is really unbelievable and I love it so much because I adore the wooden furniture and decorations. We can find a lot of things to watch :)
We can not forget one fact, this house is full of lovely ideas and inspirations. I think that the table on the first image is absolutely fantastic with a bench and wooden dining table and chairs are stunning. I like lovely and spacious rooms and nice exterior...:)
Images via femina
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