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Chutny recept na vikend / Tasty recipe for the weekend

Ja viem, receptov nikdy nie je dost a blizi sa vikend, ked si clovek zakazdym lame hlavu nad tym, co bude cely vikend varit. U mna je to pravidelne a preto sa rozdelim s tymto skvelym receptom, no uz je len na Vas, kedy ho uvarite svojim najmilsim :)


I know the recipes are needful for every housewife because it is very difficult to cook different food every day. So today you can find here very nice and interesting recipe and it is up to you when you will cook it for your family :) 

Kurca v zelenej kari omacke / Chicken in green curry sauce

- 300g kuracich reznov / 300g chicken breast fillets
- 1 strucik cesnaku / 1 clove garlic
- 2 - 3cm cerstveho zazvoru / 2 - 3cm fresh ginger
- 25g salotky / 25g shallots
- 1/4 lyzicky kurkuma / 1/4 spoon turmeric
- 1 polievkova lyzica olivoveho oleja na vyprazanie / 1 spoon of olive oil for frying
- sol a cerstve, mlete cierne korenie / salt and freshly ground pepper
- 1 cerstve zelene cili / 1 fresh green chilli
- 150g bieleho jogurtu 3,5% / 150g natural yoghurt 3,5%
- 2 hrste koriandra / 2 handfuls of coriander
- 1 mala hrstka maty / 1 small handful of mint
- stava z polovice limetky / juice of 1/2 lime
- 200g olupanej mrkvy / 200g carrot peeled weight
- 100g cukety / 100g of zucchini
- 300g karfiolu / 300g of cauliflower

Nakrajame kurca na tenke pruzky. Na olivovom oleji oprazime kurkumu, pridame cesnak, osupany a nastruhany zazvor, nakrajanu cibulu. Potom pridame kuracie rezance,ktore ochutime solou a korenim, pecieme z oboch stran 4-5 minut.

Vycistime chili a zmiesame ju s jogurtom, bylinkami a s limetkovou stavou. Nalejeme tuto zmes na kura a varime spolu 10 minut na miernom ohni.

Pripravime si salat: ocistenu a umytu mrkvu nakrajame na tenke pruzky a rovnakym sposobom pripravime aj cuketu.

Karfiol umyjeme a rozdelime na male ruzicky, varime karfiol spolu s ryzou a takisto aj podavame.


Cut the chicket fillets into thin strips. Peel the garlic and peel the ginger and grate both fine. Peel and chop the onion. Fry turmeric in olive oil and add the garlic, ginger, onion. Then add the chicken strips, salt and pepper and fry well on both sides for 4-5 minutes.

Clean chilli and blend the yoghurt with chilli, herbs and lime juice. Pour yoghurt mixture over chicken strips and let it simmer on low-heat for 10 minutes.

Salade: Peel the carrots and cut into thin strips lengthwise. Wash the zucchini and cut in the same way.

Wash the cauliflower and divide into florets. Boil a cauliflower in hot water with rice and also we serve.

 Image and info by Femina


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Another nice christmas styling in our christmas competition

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