Je pravda, ze ked deti povyrastu, treba sa zbavit veci a hraciek, z ktorych uz vyrastli. Doslo aj na nas a na tohto inak velmi mileho hojdacieho konika, aby potesil aj ine dieta. Nasiel si domov u jedneho mileho dievcatka, ale moji chlapci boli radikalne proti tomu, aby opustil nas domov. Najma starsi 5 - rocny syn, ktory ako povedal (neviem inak ako na tie slova prisiel), ze tento konik je spomienka na jeho ranne detstvo :) a ze nechce aby odisiel....nuz ale ako to pozname, v panelaku nie je miesta nazvys, musel ist, ale jedina sanca bola len vtedy, ked bol v skolke :(...
It is true when the children are older we - parents give their things and toys to other children. And today it is day when we have to say goodbye to this lovely rocking horse. This horse has new nice and cute home to nice little girl. But my sons especially older boy 5 years old radically rejected to give this horse to everyone else. He told ( I don't know how he konws these words ) it is memory of his early childhood :) is OK but we don't have enoght place for unnecessary things so the horse had to go.... this lovely toy left when my older son was in playschool, it was last chance :(...
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