Je jasne, ze horuca cokolada dobre padne pocas zimneho obdobia, aj ked nastastie to vonku vypada, ze ju este dlho potrebovat nebudeme. No ale do zbierky receptov pre horucu cokoladu pre istotu pribudnut moze, lebo ked zacne mrznut, tak lahko zas neprestane...:(
- 1 smotana na slahanie / 1 whipping cream
- 100g horkej cokolady / 100g dark chocolate
- 30g praskoveho cukru / 30g powdered sugar
- 1 PL mletej skorice / 1 soupspoon ground cinnamon
- 100ml whiskey
- mlieko / milk
Smotanu s trochou mlieka v hrnci privedieme do varu. Pridame na kusky polamanu cokoladu a cukor a vsetko dobre premiesame.
Ku cokolade pridame mletu skoru a whiskey. Odstavime od ohna a stale miesame, naplnime do poharov a mozeme pit ako horucu alebo aj studenu cokoladu, kazdemu podla chuti...:)
The whipping cream and milk in the pot to heat into boiling point. We add dark milk and sugar and we mix it.
Then we add ground cinnamon and whiskey. Weaning from the fire and fill into glass, we can drink it as a hot or cold...:)
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