Kedze sa uz zima a Vianoce blizia milovymi krokmi, nebolo by od veci si vyrobit aj nejaku tu dekoraciu. Bude vyrobena nami - vami, o to viac potesi Vas i mensie deti :)
Pripravime si pohar, nejaku tu dekoraciu dovnutra pohara, destilovanu vodu, ornamenty, flitre alebo farebny piesok, silne lepidlo.
Na viecko si prilepime ozdobu, ktoru chceme mat vo vnutri pohara, ak je mala, vyplnime ho ornamentmi alebo este jednym vieckom. Na pohar prilepime ornamenty, biele flitre, ktore pripominaju zasnezenu krajinu. Potom pohar naplnime vodou, pozor neliat az po okraj....
Do vody prisypeme flitre a premiesame, pozorujeme, ci je ich akurat, ak malo, prisypeme, pozor aby ich nebolo vela, lebo potom voda posobi ako spinava :(
Ako posledne prilepime viecko sekundovym lepidlo tak, aby voda nevytekala a potom sa uz mozete tesit z novej a vlastnorucne vyrobenej dekoracie :)
The winter and Christmas is coming so quickly and we can make the decorations for this season. It will be great because it will be make by yourself...:)
You need the glass, decoration, distilled water, ornaments, color sand or sequins, glue.
We stick the ornament on the lid of the glass, if the ornament is small we can add other lid. We stick the sequins on the glass, white sequins which resemble a snowy landscape. Then we add the water...attention don't add the water completely....
Then we add the sequins or color sand into the water and we mix it. Be careful for quantity of sequins if you have it too much, the water looks dirty. :(
As last thing what you do is....stick the lid and then you have lovely decoration for winter!
Images via Google
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