Dnesny post je o uzasnom skandinavskom dome, ktory je zasadeny do uzasnej prirody. Je naozaj fascinujuci....exterier domu je uzasny v prepojeni s uchvatnym interierom...
samotny priestor domu je nadherne vyuzity, nabytok je krasny, dom so svetlom problemy nema vdaka velkym oknam. Krasne su samotne materialy, ktore mozeme pozorovat po celom dome, na mna velmi zaposobila kupelna, obyvacia izba s kuchynou a schodiste na poschodie...
Today's post is about amazing scandinavian house which is in perfect nature. It is really fascinating space.....the exterior is amazing and in connection with the interior...
the space of the house is used very nicely, the house has not the problems with the light thanks to big windows. I like the materials which are used in whole house, I love especially the bathroom, the living room and the staircase ....
Images via Sothebys
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