Tento uzasny, moderny dom, kory spaja farmu, pracovisko a byvanie v jeden celok mozete najst severne od Kodane. Ma ho ''na svedomi'' Henning Larsen Architects a je to naozaj skvostne dielo.
Myslim, ze fasada domu z cierneho skla zaujme kazdeho z nas. V celej stavbe sa odzrkadluju minimalizmus, ciste a jasne tvary, linie...
Doraz sa kladol nielen na architekturu, ako dom bude vyzerat, ale aj na interier domu. Vsetko mal na starosti sef firmy Michael Ring, ktory navrhol aj kniznicu :)
Cely dom je uzasny a nielen to, krasny priestor, linie a nabytok....je to naozaj krasna a ekologicka farma.
This amazing and modern house which combines farm, work space and living in one unit you can find north of Copenhagen. The company Henning Larsen Architect with his chef Michael Ring did very nice and good job.
I believe that the house facade from black glass is very interesting for everyone. We can see minimalism and clean lines in whole building....
The emphasis is on architecture and interior of house too. Michael Ring designed the nice library :) which is very nice.
Whole house in very stunning, the interior, lines, and furniture....it is really wonderful and organic farm..
Images via bobedre.dk
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