Tomu sa vravi jesenna pohodicka, trosku fotiek do rodinneho albumu a prirodnej krasy este skor nez sa pocasie zhorsi. Tomu bude zial uz v druhej polovici tohto tyzdna, tak najvyssi cas. Ospravedlnujem sa za kvalitu fotiek, ale manzel isiel na sluzobnu cesto do Maroka a zobral moj "fotak" a bez neho som akoby som mala len jednu ruku :(
This is real fall's relax with a little bit of images for family album with my second child and natural beauty too. It was nice time today but at the end of this week will be terrible :(....I am sorry for quality of images but my husband is on business trip in Marocco with my camera and without it I am as without one hand :(
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