Tak na tento byt je naozaj radost pozerat. Musim povedat, ze ako vzdy aj tentokrat dostala realitna kancelaria Alvhemmakleri skvostny byt na predaj a podla mna bude aj v rekordnom case rychlo predany. :)
Styl je krasny a elegantny a co je fajn, ze tu mozeme najst neskutocne vela krasnych inspiracii. V prvom rade je tu skvely polickovy system v obyvacej izbe, ten je naozaj neskutocny, no a samozrejme aj nadherny koberec od IKEA.
Kuchyna je v uzasnom farebnom zladeni, modra priam vyraza dych a cierna kuchyna uputa pozornost. Musi sa tu dobre varit. :)
Kuchyna je v uzasnom farebnom zladeni, modra priam vyraza dych a cierna kuchyna uputa pozornost. Musi sa tu dobre varit. :)
Taktiez nesmieme zabudnut na krasnu chodbu, podlahy a hlavne na detsku izbu, taku by som si vedela predstavit pre mojich 2 chlapcov...:)
This apartment is really treasure in interior design. I have to say that the Real Estate Agency Alvhemmakleri gained wonderful gem for sale and I guess it will be sold very quickly. :)
The style is nice and elegant and what is nice we can find here a lot of inspirations.
In the living room you can find fabulous shelves system and of course nice carpet of IKEA.
The kitchen has lovely color combination, the blue is so stunning and the black unit grabs the attention. I think it is great to cook here. :)
Surely we can not to forget on nice and light hallway, floors and kids room especially....really I know to imagine this one for my 2 boys...:)
Images via Alvhemmakleri
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