Vzdy moju pozornost uputaju netradicne interiery, ale aj exteriery a myslim, ze Skandinavia je na to bohata. :) A tak tomu nebude inak aj v tomto dnesnom poste.
Interier je velmi zaujimavy a je v bielo, sedom a ciernom tone :) Je to podkrovny a priestranny byt a je naozaj radost pozerat, co tu vsetko interier skryva. Neskutocna je obyvacia izba, ktora je otvorena a ma v sebe prvky loftu. Kazda jedna izba je elegantna, zariadena stylovym nabytkom. Tento byt na mna posobi velmi tajomne, ma v sebe tu atmosferu...teda aspon pre mna, ale ta kupelna je fakt jedinecna :)
I love interesting and untraditional interiors and exteriors and I think Scandinavia has a lot of interiors like that. And this today's post will be about one interior like that.
This interior is very interesting in grey, white and black combination. It is attic and spacious flat and it is nice to watch what we can find here. I love living room, this space is unbelievable and opened as a loft. Each room is elegant and furnished with nice style. This apartment looks so mysteriously for me but the bathroom is really perfect..:)
This interior is very interesting in grey, white and black combination. It is attic and spacious flat and it is nice to watch what we can find here. I love living room, this space is unbelievable and opened as a loft. Each room is elegant and furnished with nice style. This apartment looks so mysteriously for me but the bathroom is really perfect..:)
Images via Ulrede
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