Kuchyna je velmi dolezita izba, uz len preto, ze sa tam zvykne rodina zdrzovat pocas dna najdlhsie. Travi sa tu najviac spolocnych chvil, tak aj zalezitost okolo svetla je dost vyznamna a dolezita. Zalezi samozrejme, ci je kuchyna s jedalenskym stolom vacsia alebo mensia miestnost.
Ak si naozaj neviete rady, nech sa paci niekolko skvelych inspiracii...
Prajem krasnu stredu!
Lucia Albertine
The kitchen is very important room because the family is here a longest time during the day. Is nice when the family is together in the room where discuss and eat together so selection of light is very important. We make decision for the lamp if the kitchen with dining table is bigger or smaller.
If you need an inspiration, here are some nice...
Have a nice Wednesday!
Lucia Albertine
lamp Ikea
Taklampa St. Paul / PR Home
Slinga Glodlampa / Granit
Ebb&Flow Rowan Taklampa
Lamp Flos
Taklampa Non Random D48
Jara / Ikea
Images via Skonahem
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