A mame tu dalsie krasne kancelarske priestory, ktore sa nachadzaju tentokrat v Polsku, vo Varsave a boli vytvorene pre IT spolocnost Decerto. MFRMGR vytvorila krasne priestory, ktore chcela ponat ako domace pracovisko a myslim, ze sa im to aj podarilo. Kancelarie sa rozkladaju na 400 stvorcovych metroch s krasnou domacou atmosferou, takze je tu aj radost pracovat. Ako material pouzili preglejku a ako architekti, tak aj veduci firmy dufaju, ze nove priestory povedu k vyssej produktivite prace :)
And we have new polish administration spaces in this post which are created for IT company Decerto in Warszaw. MFRMGR created these nice spaces as a home office because wanted to create the home atmosphere and I think this job and their resolution was done great. Offices are in 400 square metres and I think it is great to work there. The material which was used there is plywood. Architects and bosses of the company hope that new spaces will be help for bigger productivity of emplyees....
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