Tak na tento dom mozem povedat jedine len jedno, presne taky by som veru chcela mat.
Musim povedat, ze domaca pani ma pekny vkus. Material zariadenia zvolila na prirodnej baze a ja ocenujem, ze zvolila ako tehly, tak aj surove drevo.
Do oka Vam musel padnut jedalensky stol, ktory je uzasny kusok a veru nepohrdla by som nim :). Velmi pekne vyznie v kombinacii s ciernou linkou. No a co sa tyka zariadenia a dekoracii, vsetko stavila na danske znacky ako Ferm Living, Normann Copenhagen, House Doctor, Wegner a na lampu z talianskeho Kartellu....
When I see this lovely house I have to say only WOOW and I would like to have the same one. The houselady has nice style and she chose for foundations of the house natural material as bricks and wood...
Maybe you noticed nice wooden dining table , it is amazing piece...:) This table looks so nice in combination with black kitchen unit. And what about furnishing and decorations? All is from danish production as Ferm Living, Normann Copenhagen, Wegner, House Doctor and the lamp from italien Kartell..
Images via Femina
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