...myslim, ze sal je neoddelitelnou sucastou outfitov pre viacere sezony a tym je jasne, ze pocas jesene nesmie chybat v kazdom satniku...daju sa s nim vykuzlit ocarujuce outfity, uz len tym, ze sa da uviazat na viacere sposoby...
ako sa da krasne sal zakompomovat do outfitu mozete vidiet aj na inspiraciach nizsie...
Prajem este krasny den!
Lucia Albertine
...I think the scarf is very important and inseparable part of outfits for several seasons. Of course it is necessary to have the scarf in your wardrobe during fall ....You can have very magical outfits with it...
You can be inspired by these lovely inspirations below...
Have a nice day!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Pinterest
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