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Sarkaniada / Nice day with kites

Vcera sa  u nas na letisku v Prievidzi konala sarkaniada, bolo viac ako super aj napriek tomu, ze den predtym doslova lialo, ale viditelne to nikomu neprekazalo.
Mam rada taketo skvele napady najma preto, ze deti maju z toho velku radost a tie nase mali. Sarkanov bolo viac ako dost, nejake aj ceny povyhravali, takze vsetci boli spokojni. Program bol pestry a na svoje si prisli aj deti milujuce motorky, takze bolo fajne :)


Yesterday we had a lovely day with kites at the aiport in Prievidza. This day was wonderful nevertheless, the day before raining all the time.
I love these great ideas especially when these ideas are lovely for children and this one was fantastic for my children. There were a lot of kites, people with nice and interesting kites won some nice things and everyone was satisfied. The program was amazing thanks to lovers of motorbikes...., it was great ....:)



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Another nice christmas styling in our christmas competition

Images by Andrea Stepanovska ....ani dnesny den nebude ziadnou vynimkou a pripajam dalsi velmi  krasny vianocny sutazny styling obyvacej od pani Andrei Stepanovskej zo Skalice.... ....ak Vas zaujal tento vianocny stylin od pani Andrejky, tak nevahajte a zanechajte pod clankom svoj koment....vyhrava totiz ten styling, ktory bude mat najviac komentov....mozete tak uskutocnit do posledneho dna roku 2015 :) * we have another nice christmas styling for our christmas competition...this styling is from Mrs. Andrea Stepanovska from Skalica, Slovakia..... ....if you like it....don't hesitate and write a comment below the post....

Lovely advent wreath for our christmas competition

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Interesting black and white interiors / Zaujímavé čierno - biele interiéry

I bring some interesting interiors for inspirations. They are so beautiful. Do you love black and white combination or do you need colors in your home? Dnes Vám prinášam zaujímavé interiéry pre inšpiráciu. Sú nádherné. Máte radi čiernu a bielu kombináciu alebo potrebujete farby vo svojom domove?