Vcera sa u nas na letisku v Prievidzi konala sarkaniada, bolo viac ako super aj napriek tomu, ze den predtym doslova lialo, ale viditelne to nikomu neprekazalo.
Mam rada taketo skvele napady najma preto, ze deti maju z toho velku radost a tie nase mali. Sarkanov bolo viac ako dost, nejake aj ceny povyhravali, takze vsetci boli spokojni. Program bol pestry a na svoje si prisli aj deti milujuce motorky, takze bolo fajne :)
Yesterday we had a lovely day with kites at the aiport in Prievidza. This day was wonderful nevertheless, the day before raining all the time.
I love these great ideas especially when these ideas are lovely for children and this one was fantastic for my children. There were a lot of kites, people with nice and interesting kites won some nice things and everyone was satisfied. The program was amazing thanks to lovers of motorbikes...., it was great ....:)
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