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Skvely recept s tekvicou / Great recipe with a pumpkin

Tekvicova polievka s telacimi spizami / Pumpkin soup with veal skewers

Tento recept obsahuje vela vlakniny a vitaminov A, C, E

- 200g ocistenej, olupanej tekvice / 200g peeled pumpkin
- 300g petrzlenoveho korena / 300g parsley root
- 2 polievkove lyzice olivoveho oleja / 2 spoons of olive oil
- 1 lyzicka mleteho koriandra / 1 teaspoon ground coriander
- 1 lyzicka mletej rasce / 1 teaspoon ground cumin
- 1/2 lyzicky masala / 1/2 teaspoon masala
- 40g cibule / 40g of onion
- 1 strucik cesnaku / 1 clove garlic
- 5-6 salok zeleninoveho vyvaru / 5-6 cups of vegetable broth
- sol a cerstvo mlete cierne korenie / salt and freshly ground pepper
- 100g greckeho jogurtu 10% / 100g greek yoghurt, 10%
- 100g jablk / 100g of apple
- 1 polievkova lyzica citronovej stavy / 1 spoon lemon juice
- 300g chudeho masa / 300g lean veal
- estragon na ozdobenie / tarragon for garnish 

Ocistenu tekvicu s petrzlenom nakrajame na kocky. Dame ich na panvicu / do misky a v rure pri 170 st. pecieme 20 minut.  
Na suchej panvici priblizne minutu oprazime korenie, nasledne ho z panvice odsypeme. Na tej istej panvici oprazime cesnak a cibulu nakrajanu na drobno, pridame korenie a zvysok zeleniny. Nasledne nalejeme do panvice vyvar a privedieme do varu. Varime 2-3 minuty. Dolejeme tam potom tekvicu a dochutime solou a korenim v pripade potreby.
Z jablk povyberame vnutro a samotne jablka nakrajame na drobno a polejeme citronovou stavou.
Maso nakrajame na kocky a napichame na spiz. Na panvici dusime 2-3 minuty z kazdej strany. Polievku este ochutime greckym jogurtom a jeme spolu s masom. :)


Peeled pumkin and the rasley root cut into small cubes. Bake them on separate dish in the oven at 170 degrees hot air  for 20 minutes.
Toast the spice in a dry frying pan for 1 minute, then remove it from the pan. Fry the onion and garlic, add spices and baked vegetable. Pour broth and bring to the boil. Let the soup simmer for 2-3 minutes. Add the pumkin and salt and pepper.
Remove the core from the apple and cut the apple into small cubes. Turn them in lemon juice.
Cut the meat into small cubes, put them on the skewers. Fry in a pan for 2-3 minutes on each sides. Flavored the soup with Greek yoghurt and eat with skewers...:)

Images and info via femina


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