No ja sa jednoducho na tuto krasu neviem vynadivat. Uz len preto, ze su tu drevene tramy ma tento byt odo mna velke plus. Je fajn, ze zariadenie a farba drevenych podlah a nabytku ide v sulade s tramami a tak byt vytvara krasnu jednotu. U mna su dalsou srdcovou zalezitostou aj biela jednoliata podlaha, krasne oddychove zony v byte a nakoniec styl kupelne. Tento byt je naozaj skvely :)
I can watch on this apartment all the time, it is really fabulous. I like this flat for lovely wooden beams. The color of these beams is in connection with wooden floor and furniture and thanks to that whole apartment has lovely atmosphere. Other things which break my heart are nice white floor, relaxation zones and the style of the bathroom. Oh, really this apartment is so stunning...what do you think?
Images via Maklarhuset
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