Ak by ste hladali tento dom, tak je v ponuke na predaj realitnej kancelarie Lundin.
Uputal ma hned na prvy pohlad, jednak svojim stylom, ale aj svojou energiou, ktoru maju v sebe tieto pekne priestory.
Dom posobi velmi prijemne a je zariadeny s dobrym vkusom. V sucasnosti je vo velkej oblube medena farba a ak zvolite dekoracie, lampy ( ako v tomto byte ) v tejto farbe, urcite neurobite zle :).
Takisto dreveny stolik a jedalensky stol su absolutne pekne.
No a dalsou miestnostou je spalna, ktora je zaujimava. Je zariadena naozaj precizne, posobi na mna pokojne ( ako spalna posobit ma ), a clovek tu nadobudne vela energie. Tato izba je krasna!!!
If you would like to see this house you can find it in the offer for sale of Real Estate Agency Lundin.
I love this style of the house, is full of beauty and energy. The house looks so pleasanty and is arranged nicely. Now the copper color is very popular and you can have a lot of decorations, lamps ( as in this house ) in this color, your home will be cool :)
Also wooden coffee table and dining table are really perfect.
Another interesting room is the bedroom. This space is stunning because is arranged clearly. It looks pleasantly ( great for every bedroom ) and everyone gains a lot of energy here...very nice!!!
Images via Lundin
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