Ucenie nemusi byt len zatazujuce a nudne, je fajn, ked sa najde cesta ucenia hrou.
Prave na tuto metodu myslel v roku 1950 dansky designer Kay Bojesen, ktory vytvoril tuto drevenu pomocku spociatku pre mladsie deti. Dnes sa vyraba znova a je urcena pre zabavu aj starsim aj dospelym...
Zaujala aj mna a musim povedat, ze starsieho syna by teda naozaj bavila :)
Learning not have to be just boring, it is OK when we can find funny way, the way of game.
Danish designer Kay Bojesen thought about this funny way already in 1950 and created this lovely wooden toy for reading. It was for younger children. This toy is creating again and older children and adults can use it for fun and game f.e. spelling...
It is very interesting also for me and I guess it will be interesting also for my older boy :)
Images via Bobedre, Kay Bojesen
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