Neskutocne krasna a prijemna atmosfera panuje v tomto svedskom byte. Domaci stavili na bielu interierovu farbu a v tejto farbe sa nesie cely byt. Je naozaj radost pozerat na krasnu drevenu bielu podlahu, bielu kuchynsku linku, jedalensky stol. Samozrejme pozornosti fanusika skandinavskeho designu neunikne krasny a jednoduchy home office a cieno - biela chodba. Milujem napad ciernych vchodovych dveri, na ktore je moznost napisat odkaz. Je to skvele! :)
The atmosphere of this scandinavian apartment is absolutely magical. Inhabitants have chosen white interior's color which we can see in whole interior. It is pleasure to see wonderful white wooden floor, white kitchen unit, dining table. Of course, every interior's fan notices nice and simple home office in the bedroom and black and white hallway. I love the idea of black exterior's door where you can leave the messages..... It looks absolutely great!
Images via Alvhemmakleri
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