Mam velku slabost pre interiery s velkymi oknami, interier potom hned vyzera majestatnejsie, honosnejsie :) Na druhej strane je zase pravda, ze je problem s umyvanim okien, ale kto chce byt pekny, musi prinasat aj nejake tie obety...
Musim povedat, ze ale tieto interiery su viac ako uchvatne :)
Prajem krasny den!
Lucia Albertine
I love so much the interiors with high windows, the interior looks so lovely, interesting and majestic.
Of course there is a problem with window cleaning but everyone who wants to be nice, must make sacrifices...
But I have to say these interiors below are great :)
Have a nice day!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Homedsgn, Google, Pinterest
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