Tato rezidencia je nadhernym prikladom pouzitia dreva v interieri. Mne osobne sa drevo paci aj ako stavebny material aj ako dekoracia.
V kazdom pripade dodava pocit tepla a domova. Krasny je samozrejme nabytok, neskutocna je kuchynska linka, ktora spolu s ciernou zastenou posobi viac ako fantasticky. Samozrejme nesmieme zabudnut, ze prijemnu a priam famoznu atmosferu zanechava drevo v spojeni s kamenom a betonom ....
Oh a samozrejme za touto krasnou pracou stoji australska firma Indyk Architects. Dom sa nachadza v Coalcliff.
Oh a samozrejme za touto krasnou pracou stoji australska firma Indyk Architects. Dom sa nachadza v Coalcliff.
This residence is nice example how is possible to use the wood nicely in the interior. I love so much this space, I love the wood as a building material and a decoration too.
In any case the wood gives the warmth of home. There is fabulous wooden furniture especially kitchen unit which is in combination with black absolutely perfect. Of course it is not possible to forget that stunning and pleasant atmosphere is thanks to lovely combination wood, stone and concrete....
Oh, yes...this great job in this house is made by Australian architectural firm Indyk Architects. The house is in Coalcliff.
Oh, yes...this great job in this house is made by Australian architectural firm Indyk Architects. The house is in Coalcliff.
Images via Homedsgn
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