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Horuci jablkovy napoj / Hot apple beverage

Kedze nam uz nadisli tie chladne dni a ako vcera, tak aj dnes fuka poriadny vetrisko, na dobre zohriatie posluzi tento skvely napoj....

 6 ks jablk, 6 salok vody, 1/3 javoroveho sirupu, 1 celu skoricu, 1/2 struciku vanilky, anyz na dochutenie a 2 platky chemicky neosetrenej pomarancovej kory

Jablka umyjeme, zbavime jadierok a pokrajame na mensie kusky do hrnca. Prilejeme vodu a postavime na ohen. Pridame skoricu, vanilku, javorovy sirup a pomarancovu koru. Privedieme do varu a varime v neprikrytom hrnci po dobu 30 minut, potom ho prikryjeme pokrievkou a dusime pri nizsej teplote cca 2 hodiny.
Hrniec odstavime od ohna a nechame vychladnut. Jablka roztlacime a zmes prelejeme cez sitko. Napoj podavame horuci a podla chuti si ho mozeme dochutit trochou rumu, stavou z limetky alebo zo zazvoru.


So we have colder days and strong wind, we need something hot for drinking and this hot apple beverage is really good to warm up...

We need 6 pieces of apples, 6 cups of water, 1 cinnamon, 1/3 maple syrup, 1/2 cloves vanilla, anyz, 2 slices of orange peel

Wash the apples and cut into small pieces. Put it in a pot and cover with water. We add the cinnamon, maple syrup, vanilla and orange peel.
Left the pot uncovered and bring to a boil. Cook for 30 minutes and then we continue to keep pot and simmer the apples for 2 hours.
After this time weaning the pot from the fire and leave to cool the mixture. Then mash the apples and
pour the mixture through a sieve. Drink this beverabes hot and you can add a little bit of rum, lemon juice or juice of ginger.

Images via Google


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