Stokholmske studio Form us with Love ziskalo uzasnu zakazku od svedskej IKEA na stolicky, ktore budu cenovo dostupne, trvacne, designovo pekne a samozrejme urcene na vsestranne vyuzitie.
Musim povedat, ze studio to zvladlo na jednotku a tieto Janinge stolicky z plastu su skvele a urcene aj pre domacnost, kulturne a vzdelavacie priestory...
Prajem krasny den!
Lucia Albertine
Stockholm studio Form us with Love got request from swedish IKEA to create new chairs and stools. They had to design the chairs for strength, durability, beauty and versatile use.
I have to say that studio did very good job and these Janinge plastic chairs and stools we can have in our homes, cultural or educational centres and chairs are affordable...
Have a nice day!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Dezeen
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