Kedze sa stretavame v tomto obdobi s vianocnymi dekoraciami uz castejsie a na mojom blogu ich vidite skoro kazdy den :), lebo sa na ne jednoducho neviem vynadivat :) Je fajn, ked si clovek vie vyrobit vianocne dekoracie sam, ale stane sa, ze co - to sa predsa len pokupi, ked srdiecko po niecom zapisti :) Ja tento rok ( ale aj po minule roky to bolo super ), zasnem nad vianocnymi dekoraciami z IKEI, urcite mi tento rok tam nieco padne za obet ( teda dufam )
When it is time to look for some nice christmas decorations. I love it and you can find something about christmas on my blog every day.
It is OK when someone is clever and know to create some christmas decorations. But I think sometimes is needed x-mas beauty in the shops ....I like this year ( last years x-mas decorations were nice too ) IKEA's decorations and I believe that I will buy something nice from them :)
Images via Skona Hem
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