Nie zbytocne mame na Slovensku prislovie, kolko ludi, tolko chuti....a je to prislovie pravdive, ktore plati vo vsetkych v oblastiach a v inerierovom designe tiez :) Kazdy mame svoj vlastny styl a dnes prinasam inspiracie na industrialne kupelne. Tu sa jednoducho nezaprie super material ako tehly, plech, beton a cim starsie tiez v pohode :)
Inspiracie su krasne a dufam, ze aj Vas potesia :) Mna potesili velmi :)
Lucia Albertine
On Slovakia we have proverb how many people so many tastes...and it is true and it is available in all categories and also in interior design. Everyone has own specific style and I bring today nice inspirations for industrial bathrooms. I love the materials in this category as bricks, concrete, sheet and if the material and product is older it is better...:)
These today's inspirations are nice and I hope it will be for your pleasure:) I love it!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Skona Hem
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