Tento svedsky byt ma urcite svoj sarm, ktory vidiet v jednotlivych izbach. Zaujme na prvy pohlad a mna si naozaj ziskal.
Byt je bohaty na prijemnu atmosferu a energiu. Mna jednoznacne dostala spalna, home office, obyvacia izba s jedalenskym kutom. Vyzera fakt super, ja som velkym fanusikom ramov bez obrazu, vyzera to stylovo a cool :)
This swedish apartment has own style which we can see in each room. It is interesting and I love it so much.
The apartment has lovely and pleasamt atmosphere and energy. I like the bedroom, home office, living room with nice dining corner. It looks perfect, I am big fan of the frame without image, it looks interesting and cool :)
Images via Bjurfors
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