Je pravda, ze tento svedsky byt je velmi zaujimavy a pekny so svojim fialovym akcentom. Posobi jemne a zariadenie je uzasne.
Zakladnou farbou bytu je biela farba, ktora je doplnana fialovou a vyznie to velmi pekne. Obyvacia izba je toho dokazom. Neskutocne krasne su samozrejme aj dekoracie a to v celom byte.
Ooooo a mimochodom, ten jedalensky stol v kuchyni a skrinka v spalni su fantasticke :)
It is true that this swedish apartment is so nice, interesting with violet accent. It looks so pleasant and furnishing is stunning.
Basic color of the flat is white which creates lovely atmosphere with violet color. The living room is nice with all decorations which can see in whole apartment too.
Oooo by the way, the dining table in the kitchen and the chest with the drawers in the bedroom are so amazing...:)
Images via Lundin
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