Rozhodne tento dom zaujme kazdeho cloveka svojim stylom. Musim povedat, ze obyvatelia maju vynikajuci vkus, ktory je badatelny v celom dome.
Velmi sa mi paci kuchyna s posuvnymi stolikmi na kolieskach, cize si ich mozete umiestni prave tam, kde sa Vam to najviac hodi :) Taktiez moju pozornost zaujali nabytok a dekoracie od IKEA, HAY,...
Takisto za zmienku stoja uzasne postery, fotografie a lampy :)
I think this house is unbelievable and is typical with own style. I have to say the inhabitants have nice style which can see in whole space.
I love so much the kitchen with the tables on the wheels, you can place it when and where you want. :)
Of course I like the furniture and decorations of IKEA, HAY,....
I found in this house nice posters, pictures, images and the lamps...:)
Images via Skandiamaklarna
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