Tento nadherny svedsky byt sa nachadza v Goteborgu a je z ponuky na predaj realitnej kancelarie Alvhemmakleri.
Ma krasnych 116 m2 a je to nadherny podkrovny byt. Zachovava si prijemnu atmosferu vo vsetkych izbach.
Styling izieb je zvoleny velmi dobre, tento byt by som chcela naozaj navstivit a vidiet na vlastne oci. Mna osobne zaujala obyvacia izba, drevene tramy su uchvatne, kupelna vyzera fantasticky a za cely smrnc moze jedine zaujimava architektura :)
This beautiful swedish apartment is located in Gothebourg and is from the offer of Alvemmakleri. The flat has lovely 116 m2 and lovely attic rooms. We can find here amazing and pleasant atmosphere really everywhere.
Styling of rooms is chosen nicely and I would like to visit this apartment because is very interesting for me. I like living room, colors, wooden beams are stunning, the bathroom looks fabulous and whole apartment is chic thanks to architecture :)
Images via Alvhemmakleri
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