Kuchyna je jedna z miestnosti, pre ktore mam slabost a zakazdym, ked najdem krasne inspiracie, sa neviem vynadivat. Asi aj preto, ze nas v blizkej buducnosti caka jej rekonstrukcia, tak stale hladam dobre napady, ktore by ma oslovili.
Dnes su to tieto krasne inspiracie a moja najoblubenejsia je v poradi tretia, je fakt krasna, no a tie stolicky su uchvatne...:)
The kitchen is one of the rooms which I adore and when I find nice inspirations I am happy for that.
I want to renovate my kitchen and for that I am looking for beautiful ideas of kitchens.
I found nice kitchens today, some inspirations maybe for you too and I love especially third kitchen. It is so lovely and the chairs are fabulous...:)
Images via Skona hem
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