Dobre rano! Tak tato LED lampa nema vobec ziadnu chybu. Designerka Inma Bermudez urobila velky kus prace a nazvala tuto lampu Follow me. Je jasne aj preco. Mozeme si ju kludne vziat kdekolvek s nami na cesty alebo mat ju jednoducho len doma. Je to krasny interierovy aj exterierovy kusok :)
Prajem krasnu stredu!
Lucia Albertine
Good morning! This LED table lamp is absolutely fantastic designer product. Designer Inma Bermudez did very nice work and named it Follow me. And we know why :) We can take this lamp with us during traveling or can be in the interior. It is wonderful exterior's and interior's piece :)
Have a nice Wednesday!
Lucia Albertine
Have a nice Wednesday!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Google
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