Pick me stolicka ma vsetko, co potrebuju jej uzivatelia, aby boli spokojni. A to je praktickost, pohodlie a hlavne uzasny design. Je fakt, ze uputa na prvy pohlad a vyhodou je, ze si ju mozeme bez problemov preniest, kedze ma v prostriedku medzeru pre ruku.
Uzasne farby davaju kazdej jednej stolicke jednoduchost a stylovost.
Designerka Anna Karnov ma naozaj skvele napady a sikovne ruky a tato stolicka bola urcena pre dansky designersky dom Lucie Kaas.
Pick me chair is the product which has absolutely all for the clients. It is comfort, practicality and amazing design. It is true the chair is very interesting and what is perfect...you can bring it with you without problems everywhere you need because the chair has the gap for hand.
Each color is nice and fabulous and give to product elegance, style and simplicity.
Designer Anna Karnov has a lot of ideas and she is very clever. This chair is designed for danish design house of Lucie Kaas.
Images via Politiken
Informations via Casanova Mobler
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