Je to krasny design portugalskej stolicky, ktora svoju inspiraciu cerpala z modelu z roku 1953. Designer Alexandre Caldas urobil velmi dobre a tato stolicka brala ocenenia v oblasti designu minuly rok 2013 a ocenena bola aj tento rok. Popravde ani sa necudujem, stolicka ma exkluzivny vzhlad a je vyrobena z krasneho dreva, takze uspech sa dostavit musel :)
This chair has really lovely design. It was inspired by the model from 1953. Designer Alexandre Caldas did nice job with his team and this chair had big success around the world and received some awards in 2013 and 2014. This chair has exclusive look, it is made from nice wood so success is deserved :)
Images via Archiproducts
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