Tak a toto je moj najoblubenejsi post :) Mam velmi rada prirodu a ked nam poskytne z nej rastliny, ktore nam mozu posluzit ako dekoracie, tak som stastna.
Hyacinty patria medzi moje oblubene kvety a tiez ich planujem zaradit medzi vianocne dekoracie. A takisto planujem pouzit male tehlove kvetinace, len som vobec netusila, ze bude velky problem ich vobec zohnat :( Dufam, ze sa mi to nakoniec podari ...
So today's post is my favorite :) I love the nature and when the nature gives us the plants for decorate our homes...I am happy.
Hyacinth is one of my favorite flowers and I would like to use it in my chrismas decorations. And I want to use small flowerpot from the bricks but...it is a little bit problem because it is difficult to buy it. I believe that I will get lucky and I have it....
Images via Skonahem
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