Architektka Joyce Wang stoji za uzasnym projektom restauracie v Hong Kongu. Joyce a jej timu sa podarilo vytvorit velmi krasnu restauraciu, ktora nesie meno Svetovy interier roku 2014.
Hoci samotny Hong Kong je miesto, kde sa stretava cinsky a britsky svet, podarilo sa jej preniest do interieru cinske prvky, ktore ona sama presadzovala. Boli to lano a retaz, co ma navaznost na historiu tamojsieho rybolovu.
Velmi dobre popracovala aj so svetlom, vytvorila stresne okno, ktore napodobnuje denne svetlo a tym ovlyvnuje celkovu atmosferu restauracie napriklad pocas vecere zamilovaneho paru....:)
Architect Joyce Wang did very good job with her team in project of restaurant in Hong Kong. This nice and interesting restaurant named World Interior of the year 2014.
Hong Kong is the place with british and chinese influence, Joyce wanted to bring the chinese elements to the interior. It is interesting because these things are rope and chain which have the tradition in Hong Kong's fishing history.
The architect worked with the light in the interior. She created '' skylight '', it was really interesting because it simulated daylight and could change the atmosphere of the space f.e. during the dinner of couple in love...:)
Images via Dezeen
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