Naozaj je tento byt velmi zaujimavy a pekny. Musim povedat, ze styl aky domaci zvolili, sa mi nesmierne paci a zaroven aj jednotlive kusky nabytku su super.
Moju pozornost na prvy pohlad ziskali postery, pre ktore mam vzdy slabost :). Samozrejme aj celkovy styl obyvacej izby je uchvatny spolu s jedalenskym kutom, kde " hviezdia " rozdielne jedalenske stolicky. Neda mi obist kuchynu, ktora vyznie viac ako fantasticky. Mne osobne sa velmi paci sachovnicova podlaha a v kombinacii so sedymi stenami je miestnost, ze WOW :) No a nakoniec detska izba je hotovy klenot, tie jednotlive kusky nabytku a celkovy look izby je krasny :)
Really, this swedish apartment is very nice and interesting. I have to say that inhabitants chose nice style and bought perfect pieces of furniture.
I see a lot of nice aspects here. The posters grabbed my attention, I love the posters so much :)
Of course the look of living room is fabulous with dining corner and different chairs. I must not forgot to mention the kitchen. I like the combination of black and white floor with beige walls. It looks...WOW :) And then kids room, I think it is a treasure in this apartment because we can find here beautiful furniture and total look is amazing :)
Images via Fastighetsbyran
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