Musim hned na zaciatku povedat, ze tento byt ma skvelu a prijemnu atmosferu. Je velmi prijemny a priam srsi z neho energia, cize sa v nom musi aj dobre byvat.
Ked sa na vsetky izby pozeram, tak tomu aj verim. Cely byt ma nekonecne vela napadov, krasne dekoracie a nabytok. Seda farba je velmi prijemna a krasna farba a posobi velmi chic :)
Mna uplne dostala obyvacka, ja neskonale milujem kufre ako dekoracie, potom je to home office v spalni a samozrejme krasna detska izba....
I have to say that this apartment has really nice and fabulous atmosphere. I think this space is pleasant and we can find the energy in every room, so the living in this flat is wonderful.
I believe that :) Whole apartment has a lot of ideas, nice decorations and furniture. Grey color is stunning color and I love it because looks so chic :)
I adore the living room because I love suitcases as a decoration, then home office in the bedroom and of course beautiful kids room...
Images via Alvhemmakleri
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