No a mame tu dalsi krasny byt, ktory sa nachadza v Stockholme a ma 61 m2. Je to uzasny a sviezi byt, ktory uputa pozornost kazdeho cloveka uz len tym, ze ho ozivuje zlta farba.
Zlta farba v kazdom interieri dodava smrnc a v kombinacii s ciernou farbou dokaze naozaj velke divy :)
Jedalensky kut je tu ovela zivsi a chic.
Samozrejme ani ostatne izby v ziadnom pripade nezaostavaju, su minimalisticke a dekoracie ako zlty vesiak a biele kufre vyzneju uzasne :)
So we have here very nice apartment which is situated in Stockholm and has 61 m2. It's amazing and fresh space which grab our attention in every time because we can find here yellow color.
This nice yellow color gives cozy atmosphere into each interior and the combination black and yellow is so stunning :) This dining corner is absolutely chic.
Of course, other rooms are interesting and amazing too, are minimalist and have lovely decorations as yellow hanger or white suitcases. it looks so cool :)
Images via Vision
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