Je pravda, ze tento rok som nasla snad najviac napadov a inspiracii na adventne vence. Ale zaroven tento rok bol pre mna najtazsi na jeho tvorbu, lebo vzdy, ked som sa pre nejaky rozhodla alebo ma jednoducho napadol, tak som nemohla kupit, co som na vyrobu adventneho venca potrebovala. Tak som si povedala, ze sa predsa budem drzat mojho zlateho pravidla, ze v jednoduchosti je krasa a snad to nejako dam :)
Dnesne inspiracie, ktore najdete pod textom nizsie su krasne a tiez jednoduche a vlastne preco nie....predsa sa moze pouzit to, co priroda a zahrada da :)
It is true that I have found this year a lot of fantastic inspirations for advent wreath. But this year was really complicated for creation of my wreath. When I decided for some nice wreath it was not possible to buy materials for that. So I said that I will stick to the rule is in simplicity and I hope I will create something nice...
You will nice today's inspirations beloow...all ideas are simple ...I know it is needed all what the nature and the garden give to us :)
You will nice today's inspirations beloow...all ideas are simple ...I know it is needed all what the nature and the garden give to us :)
Images via BoligLiv
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