Biela je kralovska farba a ked sa pouzije v interieri, absolutne nic sa nepokazi a priestor bude krasne nadekorovany. A tak je to aj v pripade Vianoc a vianocnych dekoracii...
Ja osobne tento rok siaham na Vianoce po bielej, striebornej a zlatej farbe a inspiracie, ktore su uvedene nizsie, su skvele a rozhodne sa budem inspirovat :)
A vy ste sa rozhodli pre aku farbu tento rok?
Ohhh a mimochodom, je jedno pre aku farbu vianocnych dekoracii sa nakoniec rozhodnete, urcite to bude krasne a v kazdom pripade jedine Vy a Vasa rodina vytvara tu ozajstnu vianocnu naladu....
Prajem krasny den!
Lucia Albertine
White color is royal color and if is used in the interior ......whole space is decorated nicely. In any case white Christmas and christmas white decorations look nice...
I will have white, silver and gold christmas decorations this Christmas and the ideas for white Christmas below are perfect and I will try to use some of them :)
And you? For what color of christmas decorations have you decided this year?
Ohhh by the way, color of christmas decorations is not really important, you and your families create lovely christmas atmosphere in your homes :)
Have a nice day!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Skonahem
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