Je pravda, ze kazdy z nas si moze kusok skandinavskeho designu a stylu doniest aj do vlastneho domu. Tentokrat sa podaril tento husarsky kusok v Rusku. 4-clenna rodina moze byvat v tejto krase podkrovneho domu vdaka INT2 Architecture.
Musim povedat, ze interier je krasny. Podaril sa im vniest do priestoru aj trocha industrialneho stylu, co ja mozem :) a samozrejme skandinavsky, co vidiet na kazdom naozaj radost pozerat, tak Vas necham, nech si tieto fotky v pokoji prezriete :)
It is true that everyone of us can bring in our homes a little bit of scandinavian design and style. Today's post is about one penthouse in Russia. The family of four can lives in this beauty thanks to INT2 Architecture.
I have to say the interior is fabulous. We can see here lovely industrial style which I love and of course scandinavian style which is is a pleasure to watch this wonderful space so take your time and have a look on it :)
Images via Home Designing
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