Je fakt pravda, ze tieto tehly su uzasne a pomohli naozaj celemu interieru. Aj ked je to maly byt, zda sa velmi zaujimavy. Dobre su zvolene materialy ako farba podlahy, nabytok a samozrejme celkovy styl bytu.
Som celkom presvedcena, ze keby ma cakala prestavba bytu, tak urcite by som niekde pouzila tehly. No ale ako premysla, tak premyslam, moja kuchyna by sa nejakej tej zmene aj potesila :)
It is true tthe bricks are amazing and helped to whole interior. Nevertheless it its small apartment, it is the most interesting I have ever seen. People chose nicely the materials, colorsof floor, furniture and the style of apartment.
If I would restore my flat I definitely use the bricks... but I think that my kitchen needs the change...:)
Images via Erik Olsson
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