Milujem napady, ktore su nielen uzitocne, ale aj dobre vypadaju. To znamena, ziaden gyc a vsetko jednoduche a stylove...
Kazdy jeden z tychto produktov taky je. Designeri maju viacere kusky, co stoja za to, no vybrala som zatial tieto, krasne, co poviete?
Prajem Vam uspesny start do noveho pracovneho tyzdna!
Lucia Albertine
I love the ideas which are useful and look fantastic. I mean, nothing complicated, each detail simple, precise and stylish...
Each of these products is simple and stylish. I found a lot of nice pieces of these designers but for this time I have chosen perfect design's products below....
I wish you a nice start of new working week!
Lucia Albertine
Corinna Warm for Swedese
Michael Sodeau for Hypetex
Finding Cheska for Merci Merci
Peter Johansen for Normann Copenhagen
Richard Manz for Stilleben
Verner Panton for Montana
Victor Vasilev for Interstudio
Images via Rumid
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