Vianovce su mojim oblubenym obdobim a jednoducho hyacint pocas sviatkov musi byt. No neviem, co sa stalo tento rok, ale na hyacint som jednoducho stastie nemala. Kvetom z minuleho roka, aj ked to prezili :), rast sa im nechcelo. Preto som sa rozhodla kupit si ich v obchode. Neviem ale, ci som ich hladala v nespravny cas alebo v nespravnych kvetinarstvach, jednoducho som ich nenasla aj napriek tomu, ze vyvinula doslova heroicke usilie. Moja mamina bola uspesnejsia, ale hyacint vykvitol skor, takze kvety na sviatky mat nebude. Asi to tak malo byt, nevadi :) No na buduci rok urcite budu aj u nas......tak aspon nateraz Vam na inspiraciu posielam niekolko krasnych obrazkov, na ktorych hyacint krasne doplna vianocnu atmosferu....
Christmas is my favorite time and hyacinth has to be in my home. BUT I don't understand what is happened this year but it was normally big problem to have it in my flat. I had hyacinths from last year but they refused to be nice :( So I decided to buy in a shops. I don't know if I looked for it in uncorrect time or shops but I didn't discover this flower. My mum had a more chance than me but hyacinth bloomed sooner so I will be without this nice flower this year..never mind but for next year...:)
I am sending you some nice christmas inspirations with hyacinth below....
Images via Pinterest
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