Poviem Vam uprimne, ked som zbadala tuto sofu PLANK, tak som uplne stratila rec. Mam velmi rada, ked sa v jednom produkte stretne pohodlie a elegancia a tato sofa to splna na 100%. Viem si ju velmi dobre predstavit u nas doma. :)
Jej autormi su norski designeri Knudsen Berg Hindenes a Myhr. No, pravdu povediac, ani sa velmi necudujem, ze za tymto krasnym produktom stoja ludia zo Severnej Europy...Ti to jednoducho vedia...
Prajem krasny den!
Lucia Albertine
I can say only one fact...when I saw this sofa PLANK I lost any words. I adore that I can discover elegance and comfort in one product and this sofa is correct product for this fact. I know to imagine it in my home very well.
This sofa PLANK was designed by norwegien designers Knudsen Berg Hindenes and Myhr. This product is typically for Northen Europe because these people know to do nice and right things in interior design.....
Have a nice day!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Dinesen
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