Uzasny design! Tak na tuto stavbu sa ani nic ine neda povedat.
Danska firma Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter v juznom Svedsku oproti starej skolskej budove vytvorila naozaj klenot, pre deti urcite velmi prijemny, pretoze tam maju dost svetla vdaka velkym oknam a na druhej strane to maju blizko k moru :)
Poviem uprimne, aj ja by som s takouto skolkou bola spokojna :)
Amazing design! I think this word is correct for this building.
Danish firm Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter created nice treasure in front of old school building in southern Sweden. I believe it is nice for children because there is a lot of light thanks to big windows and they are close to sea :)
I can say sincerely, I would like to have the kindergarten like this one :)
Images via Dezeen
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