..ak sa povie krasny nordicky vianocny dom, tak si predstavim prave tento. Ma nadhernu vianocnu atmosferu, nadherny, svetly priestor, takze je tu podla mna radost byvat. Samozrejme nemozu tu chybat ani dekoracie, ktore navodzuju krasny vianocny cas a hlavne tu nesmie chybat pekny skandinavsky nabytok. A prave na ten je radost pozerat, ako napriklad na truhlicu a krasny dreveny jedalensky stol s kozusinami...
...this house is typical nordic house with wonderful christmas atmosphere. I love this fresh, light space and I think it is big pleasure to live there. Of course, it is possible to find here scandinavian decorations and furniture which extend christmas atmosphere. I think all is perfect and lovely. I adore the chest and wonderful wooden dining table with chairs and furs....
Images via Bobedre
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