...myslim, ze je tu na mieste slovo uzasny. Mna tento byt zaujal okamzite a hned ma uputala kuchyna, ktora je moja vysnivana biela s krasnym nabytkom a lampou. Samozrejme nijako nezaostavaju ani ostatne izby. V kazdej jednej ma zaujali stoly a stoliky, ktore su na prvy pohlad kvalitne a drevene. V poslednom case sa stavam fanusikom skladacich stolov, aky mozeme vidiet v obyvacej izbe....
No a pre mna je neskutocne pekna chodba, ma zaujimave riesenie...
Je to fakt krasny svedsky byt :)
.... when I say it is amazing apartment it is absolutely true. I love this scandinavian apartment where is nice each room. I like the kitchen, is in my favourite white color and has stunning furniture and the lamp. Of course, other rooms are nice too. I adore tables in this flat, especially in the living room. I become big fan of folding tables and this one in living room is wonderful. :)
I love the hallway too, this space has interesting spatial resolution....
It is fantastic swedish apartment :)
Images via skandiamaklarna
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