...tak na toto mozem povedat jedine...WOW :)
tato krasna, nizka budova sa nachadza v Berline a stoji vdaka Anja Thede Architektur und Kommunikation im Raum...
p.architektka v tomto studiu aj byva a pracuje...vsak nie je nic lepsie ako vidiet jej pracu na vlastne oci...ale podme na interier...
samozrejme hned na prvy pohlad uputa sofa z preglejky, je vazne osobitym kralovstvom, kde sa mozete aj zavriet a nik Vas nebude vyrusovat, skvely napad ...
toto studio je jeden velky priestor, ktory je skvelo rozdeleny na zony, skvele su vybrane materialy a aj farby, takze mna toto studio uplne potesilo:)
...after watching the images below I can say only WOW :)
this nice and low building is located in Berlin and the architect is Anja Thede Architektur und Kommunikation im Raum....
architect Anja lives and works here ...it is great idea because her clients can see her work immediatelly...but let's go to see more from the interior :)
at first my attention was grabbed by nice sofa of plywood, it is create like a kingdom because you can close the door and you can relax alone .....
this studio is one lovely big space which is divided into zones, I love perfect materials, colors, furniture...so for me this place is absolutely fantastic :)
Images via Interior Design Magazine
Photos by Christian Schaulin
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